Golden Brazilian RainTree Lumber

Golden Brazilian RainTree Lumber

Golden Rain Tree wood (Albizia saman) is also known as: saman, giant thibet, inga saman, East Indian walnut, and French tamarind. Sometimes treated under the obsolete name Samanea saman, this species is from a flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is native to the Neotropics. Its range extends from Mexico south to Peru and Brazil. Rain tree is a wide-canopied tree with a large symmetrical crown. It usually reaches a height of 80 and a diameter of 130feet.The leaves fold in rainy weather and in the evening, hence the name "rain tree" and "five o'clock tree" (Pukul Lima) in Malay. Several lineages of this tree are available, e.g., with reddish pink and creamish golden colored flowers. The wood has interesting color and grain patterns, cuts easily and has medium density. It is open grain so sanding sealers will ease in finishing. It is ideal for many different handmade articles.

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