Brazilian Tulipwood ~ Candy Cane Rosewood!
Brazilian Tulip, Dalbergia decepularis, is also called Jacaranda, Bahia Rosewood, Pink wood, Jacaranda Rosa, and Bois de Rose. Tulip Rosewood is a small tree (shrub) that averages 2-10" in diameter without sapwood. Mostbillets are 3-5" in diameterbefore milling. This is a rare species and is only found in small 1"thicklumber, small turning sizes,or veneer and is not plentiful inany. Weighing about 60 pounds per cubic foot, the wood is dense and takes a very nice polish. Tulip is prone to splitting when drilling holes for pens so use a sharp bit, letting the bit cut without forcing it into the end grain. Tulip is used for fine articles including cutlery, turning, jewelry boxes, pistol grips, knives, and pens.