Friday Lumber Special

Collection: Walnut, Claro

Claro Walnut (Juglans hindsii) is a unique species from the Pacific Coast of the USA. We're fortunate that the wood grows right around the area where Cook Woods is located. Lumber, slabs, and blanks are known for rich color and extraordinary figure that is far superior to Eastern Walnut. Claro Walnut has been favored for high end rifles and shotguns by many over the years. It is commonly used for guitars of various kinds, fine furniture, slab tables, boxes, and high quality turned items. Most of the supply originates in orchards as either production Walnut trees or wind row trees. When orchards are removed, it is our privilege to recycle the beautiful stumps and logs from the trees. Despite its density, Claro Walnut works and finishes well with the use of a grain sealer. It is an unrivaled wood that is in high demand and short supply.

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