Curly Cherry Lumber Sale!
Prunus serotina is commonly called Black Cherry, Wild Black Cherry, Rum Cherry, or Mountain Black Cherry. The wood produced is hard, reddish-brown and is valued as a hardwood for wood turning, cabinetry, musical instruments and more. American Black Cherry wood is also used for smoking foods (particularly meats) in North America, as it lends a distinct and pleasant flavor to the product. Young trees have a straight trunk and symmetrical conical crown, becoming rounded to irregular on old trees. They grow to heights of 50-100 tall with diameters of 1-1/2 5 feet. The bark is smooth purplish-brown with prominent horizontal grey-brown lenticels on young trees, becoming thick dark blackish-brown and fissured on old trees. This is a striking batch of very colorful and highly figured American Black Cherry that has been kiln dried and surfaced on two sides. An occasional rough edge or planer bite may be present. You will assuredly love each and every one of these very unique boards!